Coffee Story
Carrizal Arriba is one of the Gamboa family’s four Tarrazu farms in the micro-region of Leon Cortes, and this lot comes to us from the highest part of that farm, Carrizal Arriba, nestled in the beautiful region of Tarrazu, in Costa Rica. Producer Emilio and his Father, Tuto Gamboa, are passionate about providing high-quality coffee and stability through long-term relationships. They decided to build and open a micro mill, Montes de Oro, 2006 to process their coffee and oversee all the operations. This specific lot is a white honey-processed Cataui.
About the Honey Process
Rather than fermenting under water and removing the mucilage by washing it clean from the parchment, the Calderon family uses a mechanical demucilager to release a certain amount before drying. In general, as the amount of mucilage left on the parchment increases, so does the colour of the honey, which progresses from white (the least amount of mucilage) to black (the most amount of mucilage). The honey process happens as the sugars from the mucilage react with the environment over time throughout the different stages of the drying process. This creates a sticky layer on the outside of the parchment that is reminiscent of honey!