Although Farm Gate* price tells us the price paid by weight to a producer, it does not speak to the cost of production at a farm. Just as in any business, the costs associated with producing each lot will vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the farm.
We are always considering the cost of the living and the cost of production on a coffee farm in a given region: Loans repayments, cost of fertilizer, seedlings, experimentation, replanting, changing varietals, labour, food/education for employees and families who reside at the farm, loss of product from weather or pest damage, cost of transport from fields to farm, processing or patios, weed and pest control, post harvest and drying costs, administration, and exchange rate are all considered when working with a producer.
Here is a great breakdown from Caravela, one of the exporters we work with, on how to calculate cost of production in Latin America.
So the answer is, we don’t know the profit of every producing partner. What we can try to do is ensure that the Farm Gate price is not ever lower than the cost of production, and work with exporters who we trust are invested in creating lasting, sustainable relationships with producers.