What comes in the box?
Every box will contain two 300g bags of coffee and a limited zine!
What’s the difference between a Recurring Subscription and a Gift Subscription?
Our regular “recurring subscriptions” are ongoing and pay-as you-go. They repeat each billing period on the frequency you select.
Gift Subscriptions are perfect to for your best coffee friends! They are paid in full at the time you place your order and are available in 3 month terms. Your gift recipient will receive a delivery every 4 weeks.
How do I make changes to my upcoming subscription?
Any changes can be made simply through your personal subscription portal. Changes to subscriptions must be applied prior to the recurring billing date. Orders that are confirmed cannot be edited, exchanged, canceled or refunded.
How do I setup and access my subscription portal?
Go to theaccount icon at the top right of the page and log in with your email address and password. From your account screen you can then click manage subscriptions to pause, skip, cancel and edit your subscription.
I still need help with my subscription?
We’re always here to help! Drop us an email at hello@detourcoffee.com.