Coffee Story
Sitio Shalom is located in Araponga, Minas Gerais, at altitudes between 1150 and 1350 MASL. The higher elevations contribute to excellent coffee quality through slower maturation, though the challenging terrain limits available labour. While diseases like rust and coffee leaf miners are not major concerns, care must be taken to manage Phoma, and uneven ripening occurs due to multiple flowering cycles.
Valdinei and Andreia’s coffees consistently rank as finalists in competitions, with approximately 60% pulped and 40% natural varieties being produced. The farm's coffee area covers 10 hectares within a total 21-hectare property, which includes a diverse range of varieties such as Paradise and Pink Bourbon. With 8 hectares of preserved forest and springs on-site, coffee farming at Shalom is carried out harmoniously with the environment, bringing Valdinei and Andreia joy and the potential for prosperity.
About the Matas de Minas Region
The region produces about 24% of the state's coffee, with 275,000 hectares cultivated by around 36,000 producers. Approximately 80% are smallholders farming 3 to 20 hectares, while the rest include medium (20 to 50 hectares) and large producers (over 50 hectares). Coffee production is mostly family-based, contributing to a strong rural middle class.
Though Conilon accounts for only 5% to 10% of total production, the majority is Arabica coffee grown in mountainous areas at 600 to 1200 meters. The mild climate and advancements in artisanal processing methods enhance the coffee's diverse flavours and nuances.